Analyze your site's technologies and content along with that of your competition's.

What is Analytics?

Analytics is the process of analysing your site and that of your competition's. Technologies change with time and your website and apps should also upgrade with time. Google's algorithm changes every few months. They are trying to show the best results for their users. You should also change your site's content and technology with time to remain competitive

Sales Funnel

Sales Funnel

How can TeraMars help me?

Our team will analyze your site's technologies and content along with that of your competition's. We will also monitor for which keywords you are ranking and for which all keywords can you potentially rank for.

Can i monitor myself?

Instagram Photo

Yes you can, but we have automatic tools and processes that monitor you and your competition.

Manually doing these things is not only tedious but also inaccurate. Using our specialized tools we do the analytics process efficiently.

How we can help?